What Women “REALLY” Want
“I am woman, hear me roar!” Underneath, though her dad may have been like #Al Bundy, in her eyes, he was #Charles Ingalls. Moreover, today’s husbands must-have home improvement capabilities, if not the means to pay for the latter, plus share in domestic chores.
The insecure and the archaic adage of, “he either has a big unit or a big bank account,” might be true for some. But the average wife marries for love (or lack of a contraceptive), but despite progress, they ARE secretly looking for security. For the middle-class couple, this transcends money and becomes about usefulness. Bedroom dynamos and bad boy looks, lose their luster rather quickly in a marriage if the husband does not keep a Screw Gun holstered to his side.
I have learned that it is not enough to address an imperfection, but rather, to fulfill her vision, however meager. “I quieted that squeaky door with spray silicone,” you proclaim. For those without the typical fatherly lessons, spray silicone, duct tape, and a butter knife, are your standard tools. There you are, holding your silicone can, awaiting praise, when she adds, “I saw online that Home Depot has beautiful NEW doors and they’re not expensive.” “But the bills, the quieted squeaking, our vacation,” you lament (in your own mind of course). All of it futile because she has a better idea!
Today’s women are not pretentious, they are brainwashed by 24-hour DIY TV shows and YouTube, making costly and complicated projects appear to take only minutes! If it truly is “reality TV,” then why do they never drink, smoke, curse, or break shit, like real homeowners? I am not villainizing women and canonizing men. In the modern world, both spouses work and maintain family, home, and finances. Yet, for all the forward-thinking, many ladies saw a different world growing up and deep down long for the traditional alpha-male, with an elevated consciousness of course. So, men, if we want the stereotypical Pro in the bedroom and our mothers in the kitchen, forget sexy role play (like Gladiator), and slap on a blue jumpsuit, with a nametag. For the “Live in Handyman” gets the girl in this fairytale, almost every time! #women #men #homeimprovement